Coffee machine


In a sea of pour-over houses, 这些少数人通过为当地LGBTQ社区创造一个特殊的发展空间而赢得了他们的欢迎

San Francisco has a reputation for breathtaking viewsvibrant nightlife, and its welcoming LBGTQ community. Often overlooked, however, is its thriving cafe culture.

49平方英里内就有250多家咖啡店,你可以看出当地人热爱他们的日常工作. 有些很受欢迎,它们已经从不起眼的街角小店发展成为全国连锁店. 你可能认识菲尔兹,他是贝博体彩app起家的第三波玩家. Or perhaps Peet’s? This Berkeley-born brand gives Starbucks a run for its money. With honorable mentions like Chromatic, Sightglass, Ritual, and Blue Bottle, just to name a few, 贝博体彩app人离世界上最好的啤酒只有几个街区的距离.

但有时候,这不仅仅是一杯好咖啡的问题,而是气氛的问题. 说实话,咖啡馆不仅是观赏行人和结识可爱的地方,也是欣赏风景的地方. That’s why in a sea of pour-over houses, 这些少数人通过为当地LGBTQ社区创造一个特殊的发展空间而赢得了他们的欢迎.

Spike’s Coffees and Teas

Spike’s is a staunchly independent, eco-friendly cafe situated in a prime gayborhood people-watching spot off Castro Street. Spike’s gives back to local nonprofits. When you get a cup of delicious, locally-roasted coffee at Spike’s, you’re helping them support worthy causes.

Where to enjoy your brew: Sip a cappuccino on their sidewalk terrace, or take your cup to Dolores Park, a short jaunt down 19th Street. The hilly section is known to locals as the gay beach because it’s the perfect place to boy-watch and catch some rays.


对于那些更关心咖啡配什么而不是咖啡本身的人来说, walk to the other side of Dolores Park and visit Tartine. There will probably be a line, but it’s worth the wait. 塔廷以其对烘焙工艺的专注而闻名, serving French classics alongside creative seasonal creations. 对于美食家、讲法语的人和甜点爱好者来说,这是一个真正的乐趣.

Bon appetite: If you still have room for more, 去双丽塔乳品店,犒劳自己一勺冰淇淋.

Milk SF

Walk north and you will find an all-day queer cafe, Milk SF. Unlike many popular coffee houses in the Mission District, Milk rejects single-batch, pour-over coffee in favor of an innovative brewing technique created by Oakland start-up Ground Control. Milk SF努力在一个充斥着夜总会的社区创造一个白天的空间. It hosts regular art exhibitions, drag shows, and more.

After your cup: 沿着瓦伦西亚街(Valencia Street)蜿蜒走过两个街区,就能到达这座鲜橙色的多层复古建筑的圣地, Stuff. While wandering the aisles of this sprawling, Black-owned antique collective, you’re sure to find something, or someone, that catches your eye.

Wicked Grounds

如果你不喜欢喝香草味太强的咖啡,可以去福尔索姆街(Folsom Street)看看 Wicked Grounds. This cafe is more than just a place to get a great cup of coffee; this queer-owned-and-operated community space hosts a variety of workshops, munches, and mixers aiming to bring San Francisco kinksters together. Catering to more than just coffee lovers, Wicked Grounds sells a variety of fetish items, books, and local artwork.

Want more? 如果你找不到你想要的东西,可以到附近的皮革等商店逛逛. or Mr. S Leather for a wider selection.

Jane on Larkin

Nestled in the center of the Trans District near Polk Gulch, you’ll find the hip, women-led, up-and-coming San Francisco chain, Jane. Its unassuming Larkin Street location, around the corner from famed nightclub Divas, serves as a cheerful meeting place for community builders, coffee addicts, and brunch lovers alike.

Offering house-made bread, pastries, and breakfast dishes alongside Equator Coffee drinks, 在探索拉金沿途的各种商店和餐馆之前,简是一个加油的好地方.

Field Trip: 在几个街区之外的波尔克街(Polk Street),你会看到宇和花卉设计公司(Utsuwa Floral Design),这是植物爸爸的梦想. Stepping inside this lush, 精心策划的店铺将带您进入热带丛林的天堂.

Saint Frank on Polk

沿着波尔克街走到俄罗斯山,你会发现 Saint Frank. 这个明亮的,双层咖啡厅的极简主义氛围让咖啡脱颖而出. And stand out it does! 这里的咖啡师做的咖啡是世界上最好的咖啡之一,服务非常热情.

如果你是一个对生活中美好事物充满感激的咖啡迷,这就是你的位置. They source their beans ethically, 建立持久的关系,增强弱势社区农民的能力, and have total transparency around their supply.

Where to enjoy your brew: You’ll want to stay in place for this one. The presentation alone makes it worthwhile. 

Caffe Trieste

没有经历过繁华的贝博体彩app社区,贝博体彩app之旅就不完整 North Beach, the birthplace of the original hipsters: the Beat Generation. And no cafe encapsulates the spirit of the Beats quite like Caffe Trieste. This iconic, 第一波咖啡店坐落在主干道的上坡上,但仍然处于活动的中心.

Since 1956, Caffe Trieste has been a sanctuary for society’s outcasts, stomping grounds for revolutionary writers, a meeting place for change-makers. Grab an espresso, open “Howl,” written by famed queer activist Allen Ginsberg, and feel the rich history of this establishment in the air.

On the road: 走在杰克·凯鲁亚克的鞋子里,沿着哥伦布大道走到 City Lights, an independent publishing house specializing in world literature, the arts, and progressive politics. 如果你把你最近买的书带到小巷对面的维苏维奥咖啡馆, the bartender might reward you with a beer.

Philz on 24th

Walking around town, it’s not hard to spot Philz这家受欢迎的区域连锁店以精确的浇上新鲜薄荷叶而闻名. You could stop into any of their fifteen San Francisco locations, 但我们强烈建议你去参观24街的菲尔兹原址. A stone’s throw from Bernal Heights, in the bright and bustling Latino Cultural District, Philz’s first brick-and-mortar store has the character to match.

Where to enjoy your brew: Once you’ve had your Philz fix, 在南范内斯的果冻甜甜圈逛逛. Get lost marveling at the countless awe-inspiring murals. “Calle 24” exemplifies the kind of vibrant, 多元文化精神使贝博体彩app成为世界上最伟大的城市之一.

Starbucks on 18th

你可能想知道为什么这个国际品牌会出现在这个非常“本地”的名单上. But believe it or not, 这个特殊的地点恰好是贝博体彩appLGBTQ社区的中心:在标志性的18街和卡斯特罗街的交汇处, 距离哈维·米尔克和他的朋友们施展平等魔法的地方只有几个街区.

This place is about more than politics and history; it’s all about chatting up your choice of local hotties while standing in line, grabbing a cup, and people-watching on their sidewalk terrace.

What’s next? If you are feeling flirty, cruise over to the bar Lookout on Market and keep the party going.

So, the next time you need a morning caffeine fix, 跳过无聊的街角商店,给这些顶级选择你的支持.

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